I went back to Penhaligons yesterday and purchased a very awesome scent Blenheim Bouguet. It is a very citrus flavoured scent and I it does stay around awhile – starts of strong but blends very nicely. Whilst there the sales team where kind enough (after noticing my beard) to offer me […]

As mentioned yesterday in my post on Penhaligon’s and the most recent scent I bought I mentioned that I would be talking about a scent I got from Murdocks of London. Well here you go. I bought Black Tea Cologne from them a few months ago. It has a very strong […]
Black Tea Cologne – Murdocks of London

Over the last few months I have started to look at getting some really nice scents and stop using my Hugo Boss (which is still a nice smell). I have gone through a couple of different brands (will talk about them latter in another post) but then I came across […]