Black Tea Cologne – Murdocks of London

As mentioned yesterday in my post on Penhaligon’s and the most recent scent I bought I mentioned that I would be talking about a scent I got from Murdocks of London. Well here you go.

I bought Black Tea Cologne from them a few months ago. It has a very strong pepper smell and is also a great scent with other strong overtones – not a cheap option but well worth the spend. I’m partial to the more stronger smells and they sit well on my skin (so I have been told). The smell stays for most of the day and even if you move a lot and rub clothes against the regions that have been sprayed it is still there. Murdocks of London are a great barber shop and they also have a large selection of beard orientated items i.e.: combs, brushes, shampoos etc and they also offer a great cutting service (styling etc).



Happy beard day people