Lip rug Moustache Wax

I bought some moustache wax during the week and got it yesterday. It is great stuff.


Lip rug

Lip Rug moustache wax

It comes in a tube (exactly the same as lip balm) and is applied directly to the moustache without the need to warm it up or put in on your fingers. I have tried it yesterday and today and I love it. The ease of use is naturally great (I have put it into a pocket in my waistcoat – so easy to reach) and the actually wax has a nice hold (not too firm or soft) which I like.  For those who would like to tame a moustache BUT not have it seem to waxy or oily then this is a great choice.

I have also order some Lucky Tiger Moustache Wax and will write up on this when it arrives.

Have a great beard day everyone.